It is now 12:25 in the a.m. here in Oz, but I am having trouble sleeping and wanted to take a quick moment to share with you a great moment today for this PR guy.
It was just after the rains started today. I hear my mate Dean talking over the P.A. next door telling the draggy faithful at WSID that the day is delayed when my ears perk up in very quick haste. Dean had just said my name over the speakers...huh? Since it was now "filler" time on the P.A., Dean decided that I might make a good subject for interview. So, within seconds I was scurried from my interim office at WSID into the announcer's booth (I am on the right in the photo, which is courtesy of my new mate Lee Davis, a wonderful photog at the track).
I dropped on the headset and away we went. Now, I know that I was just there to fill some time on the mic, but I have to say it was very flattering and a moment of this wonderful trip that I will never forget. Dean asked me a handful of questions over a span of several minutes and I was a bit sad when it was over, but I will never forget the lofty, yet ever-so brief experience.
Thanks, Dean!
Update you soon - TM
That's really Cool! Every "PR" guy needs a little of his own pr now and then... 8-)
Great! I just have two questions:
1) Does that girl know how badly you need a hair cut?
2) Did the PR guy make a tape?
Thanks! Ha...yes she does and no, I didn't. It happened so quickly that I didn't get a chance...probably a good thing! Ha.
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